Endless Walls is a cool wallpaper application that lets you access a large collection of iPhone wallpapers from the Endless Walls community. Simply launch the application and it randomly shows you a high quality wallpaper from its collection. To navigate across the collection, just swipe with your finger on the screen from right to left or left to right and the app will load the next random wallpaper for you. Or you can tap on the “Play” button to view the wallpapers as slideshow. If you like the wallpaper, tap on the download button at the lower-right of the screen to save it into camera roll or just tap the star button to mark it as favorite.
The wallpapers are organized into several categories including animal, cartoons, games, nature, etc. By default, Endless Walls app displays wallpapers from all categories. To narrow your search, you can tap on the “Search” button (i.e. magnifying glass icon) to select those categories that you’re interested. Say, you’re just looking for wallpapers related to nature, just select the “nature” category. That should ease your search for the favorite wallpaper.
All stunning wallpapers are shared by other designers or iPhone/iPod Touch users. If you have some awesome wallpapers, tap the “globe” to upload and share your wallpaper. Hopefully, next time I load up Endless Wall app, I will see your great wallpapers.
The wallpapers are organized into several categories including animal, cartoons, games, nature, etc. By default, Endless Walls app displays wallpapers from all categories. To narrow your search, you can tap on the “Search” button (i.e. magnifying glass icon) to select those categories that you’re interested. Say, you’re just looking for wallpapers related to nature, just select the “nature” category. That should ease your search for the favorite wallpaper.
All stunning wallpapers are shared by other designers or iPhone/iPod Touch users. If you have some awesome wallpapers, tap the “globe” to upload and share your wallpaper. Hopefully, next time I load up Endless Wall app, I will see your great wallpapers.
Endless Walls app is now available on Cydia for free. As usual, it requires you to have a jailbroken iPhone.
Launch Cydia > Select “Sections” at haptic menu > Select “Multimedia” category > and select “Endless Walls” or you can tap “Search” in Cydia and type “Endless Walls” > Select “install” button at the right top and confirm it to install.
Install Endless Walls Via Cydia
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