App Store: The Sims 3 Will Be Available On iPhone

According to Intomobile, The Sims 3, developed by EA Mobile, will soon be available on iPhone. The game is expected to be released on Jun 2 and Intomobile has posted a preview video. Remember to check out!

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Apple News: “Back To School” Promotion - Buy a Mac and Get a Free iPod Touch

Apple has announced the “Back To School” promotion. Like last year, if you’re college student or teacher or staff member at any grade level, you’re entitled to get a free 8G iPod Touch (or other iPod under US$229) with purchase of any Macbook, Macbook Pro, iMac or Mac Pro. And, on top of that, you can still enjoy the educational discount.

The discount is effective from now till Sep 28. So, if you do not own a Mac, take this great chance to buy a Mac to pair with your iPhone. You’ll love it. Visit to check out the details.
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Updated: Backgrounder for iPhone Adds Badge and Task List Mode

The Backgrounder utility for iPhone is now updated with more features. Running twice application simultaneously is too common these days and this utility becomes more important. And what about battery consuming?. ..of course, running application at the background will drain your battery life. However, this utility is a free application from Cydia, allow and powers iPhone to run application in background. Read more here for Backgrounder installation.

The latest version r277 adds a number of great features:

- Added badge for SpringBoard icons to indicate running apps
- Added optional animations for app restore and switching
- Allow normal operation of home double-tap over SpringBoard in simple mode
- Allow normal operation of home double-tap while locked
- Allow selection of Categories folders in blacklisted prefs

Badge For Background Apps

Before the release of this update, you can’t identify those applications that are running in background. Now the background running apps are tagged with backgrounder icon.

More Options To Control

But if you don’t like the badge, you can always to disable it in Backgrounder option. The latest version of the app also offers you more flexibility to control the Backgrounder app. And, you can even to change the invocation method of Backgrounder in the option menu.

List Mode To Switch Between Background Application

The latest version also offers a new backgrounder mode called “Task List Mode”, which is still in beta. In this mode, Backgrounder shows you all the background apps in a list. And, you can easily switch from one app to another.

The list mode is not the default mode. To enable this mode, you’ll need to configure it in Backgrounder. Once configured, simply press and hold the Home button and Backgrounder will then show you the active application list.

Align Center
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Star Trek

Category: Games
Price: $2.99

Size: 13.2 MB

Latest version: 1.0

Play the official STAR TREK® iPhone™and iPod® touch game, the most intense shoot‘em up action-adventure available on the App Store. Navigate the USS Enterprise through deep space in 3 exciting and unique ways! Tilt the accelerometer to maneuver your ship or use the virtual joystick. Touch your screen for serious direct control. Tap your screen to phaser and destroy ships and unlock Superweapons at the same time.

Compatible with iPhone and iPod touch and minimum requires is iPhone 2.2.1 software update. You can purchase via direct iTunes link or download cracked .ipa file code:

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How To Use SlingPlayer Over 3G/EDGE On iPhone

Since the release of the SlingPlayer iPhone app in the App Store, there’s been much noise about AT&T’s restriction that makes the app operational over wifi only. But as usual, the jailbreak community is here to save the day. Now with jailbreak iPhone, you can use SlingPlayer over 3G/Edge through your iPhone everywhere. You might be check out my post here on how to jailbreak with latest firmware. Read more and get SlingPlayer .ipa file here.

Simply go to Cydia and search for these three applications and install it to your jailbroken iPhone.
  • Mobile Substrate (Step 1)
  • VoIPover3G or (Step 2)
  • Tricker ThreeG (Optional)
The first step that you have to do is install Mobile Substrate through Cydia.

Install Mobile Substrate Via Cydia

Launch Cydia > Select “Sections” at haptic menu > Select “System” category > and Select “Mobile Substrate” or you can tap “Search” in Cydia and type “Mobile Substrate” > Select “install” button at the right top and confirm it to install.

The second step is install VoIPover3G applications. Thanks to crash-X who developed VoIPover3G, you will now be able to use the SlingPlayer app over 3G and Edge. VoIPover3G can trick any application into thinking that it is on Wifi even though it is on a cellular data connection.

Install VoIPover3G Via Cydia

Launch Cydia > Select “Sections” at haptic menu > Select “System” category > and select “VoIPover3G” or you can tap “Search” in Cydia and type “VoIPover3G” > Select “install” button at the right top and confirm it to install.

Once installation completed, you have to make some modification with "VoIPover3G.plist". Assuming you’ve installed these apps and that you know how to SSH into your iPhone, follow these instructions below. If you not clear about SSH on iPhone, you might be checkout my post about on how to use SSH to transfer file on iPhone.


Step 1: SSH into your iPhone and go to the root directory “/”

Step 2: Navigate to /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries

Step 3: And look for "VoIPover3G.plist" file. With a text editor, open VoIPover3G.plist

Step 4: Look for:

Filter = {Bundles = (”com.Fringland.Fring”, “”, “com.audiofile.Interstate”, “”);};

Now add this part: , “com.slingmedia.SlingPlayer”

It should look like this:

Filter = {Bundles = (”com.Fringland.Fring”, “”, “com.audiofile.Interstate”, “”, “com.slingmedia.SlingPlayer”);};

Don’t forget the “,” and the quotation marks!

Step 5: Save the changes you just made and upload the file back to its location: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries

Step 6: Reboot your iPhone. And SlingPlayer should now work over 3G!

Optional Application

There is another way to get SlingPlayer to work over 3G. Thanks to Jordan, the developer of Tricker ThreeG. Please bear in mind, Tricker ThreeG only trick Fring, Skype and SlingPlayer to think the apps are on wifi not to other applications. Knowing this now, I believe Tricker ThreeG is a far better option that VoIPover3G as it doesn’t require manually editing file in the iPhone. Just install and reboot your iPhone after installation completed.

Install Tricker ThreeG Via Cydia

Launch Cydia > Select “Sections” at haptic menu > Select “Tweaks” category > and select “Tricker ThreeG” or you can tap “Search” in Cydia and type “Tricker ThreeG” > Select “install” button at the right top and confirm it to install.

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MyReef 3D

Category: Entertainment
Price: $2.99

Size: 4.7 MB

Latest version: 1.01

Watch perfectly animated 3D fishes finding their way through a beautiful reef tank. Great importance is given to simulating fish movement, species-specific behaviour and fish interaction. The application allows you to configure the fishes in your aquarium. You can feed fish as well as annoy them by knocking on the front pane. Use the fish-camera to zoom to any desired fish. The camera then follows its movements automatically. Auto-camera is the perfect tool for you to relax. This camera automatically zooms to different points of interest within your aquarium. After installation you may have to restart the iPhone/iPod to get the application working properly.

Compatible with iPhone and iPod touch and minimum requires is iPhone 2.1 software update. You can purchase via direct iTunes link or download cracked .ipa file code:

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Category: Finance
Price: $4.99

Size: 0.9 MB

Latest version: 1.1.2

HomeBudget is an expense tracker designed to help you budget, track and possibly control your monthly expenses at home. It's supports tracking of both your expenses and income, and includes support for accounts, so you can accurately track your account balances. Download the user guide at to see complete product features.


- Create/Edit/Delete expense categories and sub-categories
- Set a budget, and track expenses at the category/sub-category level.
- Add/Edit/Delete expense entries
- Auto-generate recurring expense entries
- Search expense entries
- Browse expense entries by month, by category with the ability to drill-down
- Attach photo images of receipts; drag and resize images on screen
- Split an expense across multiple months
- Add/Edit/Delete income entries
- Auto-generate recurring income entries
- Support for Accounts such as Checking, Savings, Credit, Debit, Cash, etc. Associate your expense and income entries with your accounts and accurately track account balances. View transactions, and do transfer between accounts.
- Trend chart for Expense, Budget and Income for the last 6 months
- Pie/Bar charts for expense break-down
- Export data/reports by email or via WiFi

Compatible with iPhone and iPod touch and minimum requires is iPhone 2.0 software update. You can purchase via direct iTunes link or download cracked .ipa file code:

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Category: Social Networking
Price: $0.99

Size: 1.6 MB

Latest version: 1.0

With tweetglobe, not only do you get a visual representation of your followers, but you also get the capability to interact with them. It's offers a geographical representation of everyone you are following on twitter. Unlike the other location based apps, tweetglobe gives an actual moving globe to represent your follower's tweets. You can posting tweets, replying to tweets, viewing websites and more can all be done within the tweetglobe app.

Compatible with iPhone and iPod touch and minimum requires is iPhone 2.0 software update. You can purchase via direct iTunes link or download cracked .ipa file code:

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Memory Status: Cleaning Up Your iPhone Memory

Category: Utilities
Price: $1.99

Size: 0.2 MB

Latest version: 2.0

"Memory Status" displays the status of the virtual memory. You can know the each meaning by pushing the info buttons. displays the list of the running user processes. Main applications (such as Safari, Mail and iPod) are shown with their icons. Also on the "Cleaning Memory" function, it can increase the amount of the free memory and it takes around 10 - 30 seconds to clean memory. Remember, if the Memory Status exits while cleaning memory, the cleaning itself will finish.

NOTE: It is not recommended to start cleaning memory, while you are listening music.

Compatible with iPhone and iPod touch and minimum requires is iPhone 2.0 software update. You can purchase via direct iTunes link or download cracked .ipa file code:

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How To Transfer Files On iPhone Using SSH (Windows)

One of the reasons why some of you go for the jailbreak is you can transfer files between iPhone and PC using SSH. But, as I know, not all the readers are geeks and come from technical background. You may even not heard of SSH until you decide to jailbreak. So, here is a short guide to show you how you can use SSH on iPhone and use it for transfer any files to your computer for Windows. The guide is completely target for non-technical person. I just want to show you how great SSH is when pairing with iPhone for wireless file transfer. So, you can use it to transfer ringtone, photos and video without the USB cable.

The first thing you would like to know is what SSH is. SSH stands for secure shell that is commonly used in Unix/Linux environment. You can use SSH to access a remote a computer and execute commands from another machine that may be miles away. Additionally, you can use it to transfer files to the remote computer, just like FTP. I’m not going to dig deep and throw out all the technical details about SSH. But just remember, SSH is a tool that lets you access machine or devices remotely. Here, the device is your iPhone.

Install SHH Via Cydia

You may be curious why you can use SSH on iPhone. Is SSH just designed for Unix? That’s a good question. You may not know the iPhone OS is a stripped-down version of Mac OS X, which is actually riding on Unix as its core. So, that’s why you can use SSH on iPhone.

But officially, Apple didn’t bundle the utility for every iPhone user and thanks to the jailbreak community to bring SSH to iPhone. As long as your iPhone is jailbroken, you can install and use SSH on iPhone.You may check my post here about how to unlock and jailbreak your iPhone.

To use SSH after jailbreak, you can go up to Cydia and search for “OpenSSH” to find the package. Tap the Install button to install it on your iPhone. Once installed, restart your iPhone. You’ll not find an icon for SSH on the home screen. But after restart, the SSH tool will be automatically launched and listens for remote request in background.

Note: Did you set the auto-lock? Your iPhone should be turned on during the SSH file transfer. So, if you have configured auto-lock, I suggest you to disable it before using SSH. You can go to Settings -> General -> Auto-Lock and set it to Never.

Transfer File Using SSH

Your iPhone is already enabled with SSH and listens for incoming SSH request. Before you can transfer file from your computer to iPhone, you have to know the IP address of your iPhone.

To check for the IP address, go to “Settings” -> “Wi-Fi”. Tap on the connected WiFi network and view the details. You’ll see the IP address of your iPhone. Say, for my case, the IP address is

Once you know the IP address, the next step is to connect to iPhone from your PC.

Connect Your PC via WinSCP

For Windows users, I highly recommend you to download WinSCP, which is a free SSH client for Win XP/Vista. You can download it for free from here. Installation of WinSCP is very straightforward. Just double-click on “winscp421setup.exe” and follow the instruction to install it on your PC.

Once complete the installation, launch WinSCP and click “New” to connect to iPhone. In host name, type in the IP address of your iPhone. For user name and password, you can use “root” and “alpine” respectively. Keep other fields unchanged. You can then click “Login” to start making connection with your iPhone. Click “Yes” if you’re prompted with a warning to add the host key to cache.

Note: Instead of clicking “Login” directly, you can click “Save…” to save the connection profile for future use.

Click “Yes” if you’re prompted with a warning to add the host key to cache.

When connected, you’ll see the files in iPhone file system. And, you can easily transfer files between iPhone and computer by just drag & drop the files in WinSCP.

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For those of you that do not know what Myst is, it is a port of the old Myst computer game. Myst is an adventure puzzle game in which you are attempting to find your way off the island, or rather attempt to figure out how all the things around you work. Having played the original Myst, the iPhone version is just like it. It consists of multiple 3D still images that fade from one to another depending on the area of the screen you touch.

The game is quite large in file size about 720MB and is like the original, in its full scale. This is not a game that you pick up walk around a bit then come back to later, rather it is a game that you will want to sit down with and actually play for a significant amount of time. I suppose you could sit down with it for a short time, but at times the games is very complex in which you might want to take notes, so you might want pen & paper nearby.

There is also an Options screen. The options screen allows you to “bookmark” or in other words save your game in 4 different slots. You simply drag the current screen (the largest of the boxes to one of the four smaller boxes to save the point in the game you are at. To restore a point, you simply drag in the other direction. There are also sliders that control the speed of the transitions and the volume of the sound.

You also have the ability to drop a page if you have one in hand (in order to grab a different one.) Or you you can tap on the Help or Hints buttons. These two buttons will take you out of the game and into the Safari browser. The website it takes you to is formatted for the iPhone, so you should not have any issues viewing the web page. There is also a “back” button which literally takes you right back into the game. I thought the “back” to the game button was a really nice touch to have.

Compatible with iPhone and iPod touch and minimum requires is iPhone 2.2.1 software update. You can purchase via direct iTunes link or download cracked .ipa file code:

Updated: Download cracked .ipa file for 1.1.3 version:

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Grocery Checkout : Create shopping lists on iPhone

Category: Productivity
Price: $0.99

Size: 0.9 MB

Latest version: 1.0

Checkout comes with an items bank of commonly purchased grocery items out of the box so creating lists is as simple as tapping the items you want. But it's also simple to modify the bank items or add your own. Intuitive swipe gestures make setting quantities easy and of course everything is customisable. No more messing around with paper lists or laboriously typing in product names.

Compatible with iPhone and iPod touch and minimum requires is iPhone 2.2.1 software update. You can purchase via direct iTunes link or download cracked .ipa file code:

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Fizz Traveller

Category: Utilities
Price: $5.99

Size: 4.2 MB

Latest version: 1.0

You can see the time and weather for all of your favorite cities. An additional information including sunset and sunrise times, the current weather conditions & longitude/latitude. From this screen plan meetings in different time zones. Finally use 3D world globe to view your cities locations. Swipe the globe and it will rotate to show your next favorite location.

Including Fizz Weather for over 58000 global locations includes 5 day forecast, 2 day extended forecast, current conditions, weather maps & airport delays. The Conversions also include currency rates (updated daily), Temperature, Length, Speed, Weight, Volume, Area, Power, Torque. Children's Shoes Ladies Shoes, Ladies Skirts, Men's Suits, Men's Shoes, Men's Shirts.

Compatible with iPhone and iPod touch and minimum requires is iPhone 2.2 software update. You can purchase via direct iTunes link or download cracked .ipa file code:

You have read this article App Store / App Store review / Cracked .ipa file / iPhone Apps / iPhone Tips / iPhone/IPod Touch / Jailbreak iPhone Apps / Jailbreak iPhone with the title May 2009. You can bookmark this page URL Thanks!

Guide To Unlock iPhone 3G (2.2.1 Firmware) Using Yellowsn0w

This is a good news for iPhone 3G users who do not intentionally upgrade to this version of firmware (Quick tip: It’s always good for you to turn off auto-upgrade in iTunes) and are searching for ways to unlock iPhone. Here I try to show you a solution for that. But, before read on, please note that this solution does not fit for all iPhone 3G. It's specially for unjailbroken iPhone 3G and 2.2.1 firmware users only.

Let me remind you here, "unlock" word is refer to the process to open up your iPhone to accept all carriers. Unlocked iPhone allows you to use SIM card from all carriers. You are no longer bind to the official carrier (e.g. AT&T) approved by Apple. And for, "jailbreak" your iPhone means you are allowed to install 3rd party applications on iPhone. Its mean to say that, this guide only instruct to you about unlocking iPhone 3G 2.2.1 firmware.

Baseband Problem..

Presently, there is no easy way or software to unlock this version of firmware. To be exact, there is no unlock solution to tackle the baseband v2.30.03, which is upgraded together with firmware 2.2.1. The latest version of yellowsn0w, the iPhone 3G unlock solution, doesn’t support iPhone with baseband 2.30.03 or up.

The Solution..

Thanks to the jailbreak community. iPhone developers have created a simple tool called “3G Fuzzyband Downgrader” to downgrade the baseband from 2.30.03 to 2.28.00. By downgrading the baseband, you can then use Yellowsn0w to unlock the iPhone. However, there is a catch. The downgrade utility only supports iPhone with bootloader v5.8. Don’t worry if you do not know your bootloader version. The downgrader will handle the checking for you. But if you’re not using this bootloader version, I’m sorry that there is currently no software solution to unlock your iPhone 3G. You can either wait for iPhone Dev team to develop the solution or you can opt for SIM-card based unlock.

Step 1: Follow this step-by-step guide to jailbreak your iPhone 3G with firmware 2.2.1. Before your start to jailbreak backup you iPhone data synchronizing it with iTunes. You may see an instruction on how to backup your iPhone.

Step 2: After jailbreak, go to Cydia and download “3G Fuzzyband Downgrader”. You may read an instruction on how to downgrade iPhone 3G baseband using 3G Fuzzyband Downgrader.

Step 3: With the baseband downgrade completes successfully, you can use Yellowsn0w to unlock your iPhone 3G. The yellowsn0w can be downloaded freely via Cydia. For details, you can refer to my post on "Guide to unlock iPhone 3G (2.2) using Yellowsn0w". Bear in mind before your start to unlock using Yellowsn0w, please skip Step 1 and Step 2 , you should start to unlock at the step 3.

I hope this guide can benefit those who got the iPhone locked after firmware 2.2.1 upgrade. But let me emphasize again. The above instructions can only work for iPhone 3G with bootloader 5.8. Good luck!

You have read this article Guide to Jailbreak iPhone 3G / How to Unlock iPhone 3G / iPhone 3G baseband / iPhone Tips / iPhone/IPod Touch / Jailbreak iPhone / Rules to Jailbreak iPhone 3G with the title May 2009. You can bookmark this page URL Thanks!

Nike+ Support Coming in iPhone 3.0?

Nike and Apple have teamed up to deliver a great integration between sports shoe and iPod. Specially designed for iPod, you can put in a sensor into your Nike+ sport shoe that the sensor keeps track of your run and sends the data wirelessly to your iPod Touch, which has already built-in receiver. The data is then analyzed by a built-in Nike+ application that shows you the elapsed time, distance of your run, and calories burned. Cool, right? It’s particular useful for regular runner to fine-tune your workout.

But the downside is it’s only available on iPod Touch 2nd generation. Like me, probably some of you are looking forward to the Nike+ support on iPhone.

Nowadays, iSpazio has discovered a Nike+ feature on iPhone 3.0 beta 5 and iTunes 8.2 beta (see the in the photo).

[Images Via iSpazio]

It may suggest Apple will open up the Nike+ support to iPhone. However, we do not have any confirmation from Apple about that. Anyway, I hope this will come true when the next version of iPhone releases.

You have read this article Apple iPhone News / Appstore / iPhone News / iPhone OS 3.0 / iPhone Tips / iPhone/IPod Touch / Jailbreak iPhone with the title May 2009. You can bookmark this page URL Thanks!

WinterBoard Settings

WinterBoard Settings will add an option for WinterBoard in your stock iPhone Settings application. When selected, you have the option to turn on/off SpringBoard Only (which will apply WinterBoard themes to only your SpringBoard) and Debug (I’m not exactly sure what this setting would do). You can also view all your WinterBoard themes from the Settings option.

You have to "Add Sources" to you sources in Cydia repository for iPhone first in order to install WinterBoard Settings. At "Add" sections you have to enter this address, you not clear about this you can check out my post on how to add sources via Cydia.

Install WinterBoard Settings Via Cydia

Launch Cydia > Select “Sections” at haptic menu > Select “System” category > and Select “WinterBoard Settings” or you can tap “Search” in Cydia and type “WinterBoard Settings” > Select “install” button at the right top and confirm it to install.

Ultimately, you would no longer need to use the WinterBoard application itself, you could do everything through the WinterBoard Settings. When testings WinterBoard Settings, I found that the two applications (WinterBoard itself and WinterBoard Settings) override each other. For example, if you set a theme using the WinterBoard Settings and then you go in a choose a theme from WinterBoard itself…it will override the theme you chose using the WinterBoard Settings and vice versa.

I also found that the SpringBoard Only option seemed to work. It leaves anything that shows up on the SpringBoard (Wallpaper, Dock, StatusBar, Wifi icon…etc) activated but turns off the theme’s mods like calculator, dialer, sms…etc. It also leave the theme’s lock screen mods activated as well. Also you may read how to install WinterBoard Via Cydia.

You have read this article Cydia Apps / Free Cydia Apps / Install Winterboard / iPhone Tips / iPhone/IPod Touch / Jailbreak iPhone / Winterboard for iPhone / WinterBoard for Jailbreak iPhone / Winterboard Theme with the title May 2009. You can bookmark this page URL Thanks!